Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The white cherry blossom tree

It seems like the only thing I remember the morning of 3.29 after meeting with my surgeon, was this huge, gorgeous white cherry blossom tree shining in the sunlight. As I sat in the car waiting, for my mom to run into the store, I was staring at it, while talking on the phone with was just standing peacefully in the middle of the sidewalk. It's was so full of life and beauty. It's the only time of year for this tree to shine! Each gorgeous white blossom took over every branch, there really was no way you could miss it. So much going on around me, this was my peace.

Oh yeah, I SEE YOU OVER THERE BEAUTIFUL! I see you all SWAG'd out over there! That's what I was saying to myself. LOL. I was talking to Daniel on the phone, and told him I would call him right back. Then, before my mom could drive away...I stopped her and said, "I have to go take a picture of that tree." Of course the creative person in me was like "...that's a great shot! You need to take a picture quick!" So I walked across the street and stood there looking up thinking WOW! The blue sky is the perfect back drop. CLICK, CLICK, CLICK! Done. I even got the sun rays- Damn I'm good:)

God gives us simple pleasures that we need to soak up. I needed that beauty right then. My mind was full, my heart was heavy, but just a simple breath of fresh air + blue sky + my white cherry blossom tree. That moment was perfect. 



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