Oh yeah, I SEE YOU OVER THERE BEAUTIFUL! I see you all SWAG'd out over there! That's what I was saying to myself. LOL. I was talking to Daniel on the phone, and told him I would call him right back. Then, before my mom could drive away...I stopped her and said, "I have to go take a picture of that tree." Of course the creative person in me was like "...that's a great shot! You need to take a picture quick!" So I walked across the street and stood there looking up thinking WOW! The blue sky is the perfect back drop. CLICK, CLICK, CLICK! Done. I even got the sun rays- Damn I'm good:)
God gives us simple pleasures that we need to soak up. I needed that beauty right then. My mind was full, my heart was heavy, but just a simple breath of fresh air + blue sky + my white cherry blossom tree. That moment was perfect.
I love this post!