Sunday, June 9, 2013


I've been praying for a miracle. I didn't tell anyone specifically what it was really, just between me and God. I kept telling Him that I would let everyone know it was Him performing this miracle and give ALL credit and glory to HIM! I really started to make myself believe it was going to work. I had set up a perfect miracle, why not?? After all that I'm suffering thought, just this one simple thing? Pleeeeaase??? hair was the miracle. I wanted it to grow during chemo. I thought it would stump the doctors and nurses and I wanted to see their faces as my hair got longer and not shorter. 

This morning was hard because when I was getting out of my bath I was taking the towel upward on my hair and it was all coming out. Tons of little hairs everywhere. WAIT!!! My miracle...I wanted just that one thing!! Pleaaaseee!! My tears have not stopped all day. I felt like God was telling me that He's in charge not me. I understand that and respect it, I was still heartbroken. It's like you know you can ask for some special gift from your parents and they know you want it, and you know it's impossible for them to come through, but you just put it out there just in case??? Well, I put mine out there. And he reminded me of two miracles I witnessed at miracles walking and sitting and talking with me. 

Dorothy. My new friend. She's a living miracle, better than any piece of hair on my head. Her story i can't even remember it all, but let's just say the last two years have turned her world upside down and she's been told twice we wouldn't live during the night. She's a true miracle!!! We sat and chatted during our treatments. She's a stand offish type person, but I smiled and said hi anyways. She told me she had breast cancer and bone cancer. There was no way to get cured, but they were keeping the cancer from spreading into her blood. She had over 30 tumors removed from her breast. She has a pace maker. She told me before this, she worked two jobs, sometimes three and was never sick. It's hard for her to lose her Independence similar to me. Even though we are ages apart, we have the same heart and life in us that wants to move and be healthy. I gave her my bracelets "Fight. Pray. Win." and she put them both on right away. We talked and laughed as we exchanged numbers. I gave her a hard time not being able to text message and she laughed. I told her I would check on her from time to time since she was alone. He two nieces took care of her, but it's nice to have someone going through something similar as you even if it's a little different. I've already spoke to her twice over the phone and I'm a "snail mail" person if you know me. I've got a card in the mail to her already. 

Sarah & Barb. As she was leaving treatment, she came up to me and asked me about my "Fight. Pray. Win." T-shirt. So I told her it was my blog and we sold shirts and bands on there regarding me fighting breast cancer. He daughter stood beside her and was holding a sweet baby (she was a nanny) and they both told be about their cancers. Both her daughter and her had cancer and her daughter at the time was very young, under 25yrs if I remember right. Anyhow she moved fast to preserve a change of having a baby and her and her husband froze embryos, so later they could try. She was actually 4 months prego when I met her!!! AMAZING!! Went through a double mastectomy, chemo, radiation and now she was prego and healthy!!! Miracle!!!! Now her mother, Barb, talking to me, standing there telling me she only here because of God's strength. The same verse on my bands...Phil 4:13. She's been diagnosed with 4 different types of cancers..she will never be "cured" I think they gave her a timeline, but I don't believe in those. God's time is God's time, so when that is what I go by. She told me that I touched her and she would be praying for me...I told her the same. Later that week, I got an email from the site: 

Miracles. All around. Not "our" miracles we think up for God...real ones. Maybe I was their miracle that day...not my hair...just the presence of Jesus causing a divine intervention. God can cure ANYONE and EVERYONE- so I'm praying for a miracle for my friends now, for their health! For a CURE to cancer so they can live:)

God is Able....& he won't fail. ~ Smokie Norful



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