Hello everyone! It's been a LONG while since I've updated this...due to chemo being such a LONG process. I was mostly in bed & doing treatments...just praying to get through it all!!! Chemo finally ended on Oct.14, 2013
PRAISE THE LORD!!! It was a surprise for me actually, because I was supposed to have 16 treatments, but Dr. Wang decided 14 was enough! Due to my feet/hands having severe pain, from the neuropathy, I was told NOT to continue....so I graduated early, yippee! Crystal my sister was with me, so I was very happy to celebrate with her:) I also went to a celebration lunch with my Mom...we both cried tears of joy when I saw her with my certificate of completion. Chemo was very hard on not only me, but everyone taking care of me. Thank you Mom & Rick...my husband Daniel...and sweet daughters, Tasia & Mahllie. I couldn't have made it without you guys. Thank you Crystal for all your help being my sister, friend and financial advocate. Emily, my dear friend, you helped me so much as you battle cancer yourself...thank you for being there. And to everyone that took time to text, write, call & visit me during treatments. I needed you all!

I'm now resting and trying to recover, from all the side effects of chemo, before I start radiation. I will get a total of 4 weeks off before radiation starts on (Monday) 11/4.......I went to a scanning last week- were they took a CT scan mapping out exactly places where radiation will take place. Only on my left side, under my arm & left breast area. They also placed 3 tattoos...small dots (on both sides, and the center of my chest) so that it will align perfectly each session. I plan to have 35 treatments (5 days/week for 7 weeks). Chemo was to prevent any caner cells from forming in my my body, after they removed the tumors during surgery. Radiation targets exactly where the cancer was found, as an additional form of prevention from cancer returning to my body. It will have some side effects, but nothing like chemo. I've been told that you feel fatigue, and later during treatment I could suffer skin irritation and possible muscle bruising. I feel like after 14 chemo sessions, I can make it!!! lol.
Next week I see Dr. Wang on 10/28 to make sure I'm healing okay from chemo, then on 10/30 I have a mammogram on my right side to make sure everything is okay. I pray there is no concerns.
I'm still going to physical therapy twice a week to help with the range of motion, pain, and swelling in my left arm. I really enjoy my Italian Physical Therapist (Maggy) she's helped me so much, plus her sense of humor makes me laugh. She really enjoys giving my husband a bad time. Everyone there likes him...he's the only one I know that gets offered coffee w/ cream when he walk in the clinic lol. Only him!
I will try to keep you all posted more frequently! Thank you again everyone for all the prayers and love. I pray that God protects me for any severe side effects and radiation goes smoothly:)