I just love my grandma more than words. There are too many memories to even begin to share...but my mind is full of love and thankfulness, when I reflect on the past. My childhood....growing up into adulthood I've been so blessed with such a fun, funny, loving and kind grandparents. My grandma always welcomed me with a kiss and hug. Each time I saw her was a good time. Even if it was just sitting with her talking with the ball game in the background or having tea and sharing a goodie from Starbucks. It didn't matter the occasion or visit, it felt good. It always felt good being around her. She made me laugh and my heart smile. I really don't remember a time I argued with her? I know there were a few times we had serious talks, but she always seemed so understanding. She always showed me love. I was her oldest grandchild and we had a close bond. She made each one of her grandkids feel special...and her great grandkids too. She had six kids and she loved them so much. Each of them loved her so much too and it was so amazing to see all of them come together to help care for her over these last few months. My grandpa is amazing. Watching him care for her & continue to love her until her last breath, was the sweetest and most compassionate thing I've ever seen. My sweet grandma went to Heaven on the morning of October 23, 2013...Now she can rest in paradise and will not have to suffer or feel any more pain. No more cancer. No more medicine. Just the wonderful rest & eternal life with Jesus....freedom!!! I cry because I miss her...I cry because I love her. She will forever be in my heart and my memory...so I may cry at random for the rest of my life missing her...until I see her again in Heaven.
Thank you grandma for being so sweet to me....thank you for being you! I will blow you kisses to Heaven, since I can't kiss your cheeks right now!
I love you.....Nicole
Grandma Facchini and my cousin Lauren at Pete & Leslie's house! Summer time:) |
I miss my grandma too