Monday, December 22, 2014


Last year at this time, I was just finishing treatments. I couldn't wait until the 26th! Yes, that is correct, the day "after" Christmas, because that marked the END of my cancer battle. It was my last treatment day! 12/26/13!!! I couldn't wait. It was the best gift and all my family and friends were drawing near the countdown. It did feel good, you know, to make it. TO WIN! All year my mind was fixed on this date. The light at the end of the tunnel. There were many storms during that year even up to Christmas Day when my sister lost her dear father-in-law. Tears on Christmas. I felt like " it ever going to stop dear Lord?" But I dare go there....I felt like saying cliche's like " can't get any worse" was a curse. I just kept thanking God for bringing us all through each trial, each storm. I thought I can't WAIT until 2014! New year! No more cancer!

No one warned me about healing. No one prepared me or my mind or my family for HEALING! No one said, "Ok, this first year is for your battle, then after the battle the second year is for your body, mind and soul to heal" and sometimes it's just as hard if not harder then year one! So prepare! Remember, there is no timeline and no right/wrong. Some days are great and others aren't so great. You've been through a whirlwind of pain and trauma and it will take some time to "bounce back". All I heard was "....I'm trying to get used to the "new me", but it's tough!" from other women. I didn't understand what the "new you" or "new ME" even meant during the battle. My only focus was to WIN!!! And I did!!!! I fought! I prayed! I WON!!!!! So why didn't it feel as good as I thought it would? Where was the confetti and champagne? Where was the music? The smiles and celebrations? The pain can go now....I'm done! No really, I'm done....this pain can go now. It's going to go, right? Does it every go? Hello? Anyone? Anyone there?

2014 was emotional in more ways then one. Everyday I thanked the Lord for saving me, but I had questions too? Why? Why go through all that and not be able to go back to work? My job needs me, wants me and they offered me a great offer....but I'm not HEALED! Ok, maybe another 30 days? More physical theapy? Eating clean? Praying? Yoga and stretching? Counseling? Ok, Ok, Rest...I will rest. Just tell me what to do to HEAL? Oh, there is no book on healing? Oh, let me google: "How to recover from cancer when you're diagnosed at 35 from stage 3, have surgery (left masectomy and lymph node discetion, 14 treatments of chemotherapy, and 35 radiations treatments, and I live with my parents and my husband works two jobs (on in WA and one in  CA) and I have two teen age girls....and...I don't feel the same, look the same or recognize myself, but I'm ALIVE!!! Help me get used to the new me?" (click search now) This is what came up.

I guess Google doesn't know "everything"! Lol. So I turned to God, like I do in most circumstances where I feel I hit a dead end painful road and have NO one to relate or Google doesn't have answers. He said, "You will be healed." But there was no date like when my treatments ended. It's like I sometimes look the calendar and wonder, is this the day? Is this the healing day where I feel normal again? When my creative mind and my sharp memory return? Maybe I need a weave so I can feel beautiuful because I miss my hair? Maybe if I just eat better? Maybe if I just sleep 8 hours and get up at the same time everyday? Maybe if I try harder? Again. Praying God told me, "You don't have to do anything, it takes time." It's hard to swallow. I was sick over a year before cancer, a year during cancer and now healed a year and I'm just starting to see the light but it's still a long road. And don't think just because people battle a disease, life gives them passes, because it feels sorry for them. Bills still come, kids get sick, cars break down, life goes on....and the ONLY way to get through LIFE is with GOD.

I haven't always been the best example of a Christian, but what is? I can honestly say that Jesus has carried me from day one, I've never really done anything without Him. I can say that He is my number #1 and always will be. I'm not perfect and never will be, but He is my light. It will never go out and I never have to worry about Him leaving my side. He always makes a way, He makes the impossible, possible. He weeds out people that shouldn't be there, and replaces the ones who should. He always has your best interest, even when you don't understand. He uses those who you feel are suffereing, to help others. He used me many times, when I thought I was nothing but a very sick girl in bed, to encourage those around me (online and in person). I had no idea that He was going to use me more, going through storms, then when I was up and going. Because I'd get in the way...I  would "do" too much! I don't leave room for Him to "do"!! Now I get it!

Through all of this my-the greatest gift is my relationship with God & it has grown and it's unbreakable. I'm not afriad to live or die. I take everyday as a gift (even if I have the flu). There is always 3 goods you can pull out of everday, regardless. My marriage is less then 2 years young, but we are stronger then most married 25years+. He's blessed me with two mini me's (Mahllie and Tasia), & we have grown amazing boys (Daniel Jr. and Brandon) and watching them grow is a daily gift. I have it all. Sometimes I still feel broken, but in my heart, I know I have it all. We don't have all the "things" and "status" and "money" as most in this world, but we have each other. We have a family that loves the Lord, and loves each other, and it feels complete. We both have very large families (both our parents are alive and well) we sisters, kids, we have cousins, and aunties and I'm SO blessed my Grandpa Facchini is still with us!! I'm married to a man that is loyal and loves me for me. We have a special bond that is very rare and I cherish him. We have it all. We have love, and love heals.

I haven't updated in a got so crazy it felt like I didn't have much to say "positive" but I think healing takes a break from talking or writing or posting and truly gives energy to what is needed. Keep fighting, Keep praying, keep Winning! That is not just for cancer or people battling, it's for life. It's a life MOTTO!! Fight. Pray. Win! God put that in my head the same day I was diagnosed and it truly has motivated me each day, to not give up. To keep going even when you feel you can not. To keep your mind strong. Phil 4:13 I can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens ME! That's the only way.....truly.

As we get ready to celebrate Christmas, I want to wish everyone out there, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Praying for good health, joy, love and healing in 2015! I just have a feeling it is going to be a year of blessings! I love you all <3



Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It's been a while....

I just realized it's been a heart broke in a million pieces after losing my dear Grandma last October. I drew the line. I just couldn't write anymore. I was tired, sad, and I couldn't even put my emotions into words. 

Today is now June 25,2014!! It's been 8 months since my last chemo (PRAISE THE LORD) and my curls are growing back (slowly but surely). I'm 6 months post radiation treatments as well. I'm overall very happy & blessed to be enjoying the start of summer with my family. I'm currently "in remission" meaning that my oncologist & surgeon don't see any signs of cancer in my body. Yayyyoooowhooooooooo! :) 

Everything is healing well, despite severe nerve damage. I pray daily that God will touch my body & all the pain will fade. I walk, practice gentle yoga, stretch & strengthen, and eat clean. I believe that is doing my part while healing, by taking care of myself. I'm currently unable to tolerate "Tamoxifen"...It's a drug that is suppose to suppress my estrogen levels, with hopes to keep the cancer away. Unfortunately, my body can't tolerate the side effects. So, I eat organic as possible, & I've cut out dairy, wheat, processed foods, alcohol, refined sugar & I'm working on cutting out caffeine (a struggle lol). I've also been taking Vitamin B12, Biotin, High levels of Probiotics, Vitamin C & D as well as Turmeric!

I will have many blood draws, check-ups, & more over the next five years. I'm still active in physical therapy, seeing Maggie weekly, working on my left side (swelling & pain) It's been over 2 years of being sick in bed watching "summer" my favorite month pass by without me. Last summer was extremely difficult being sick during chemo. So each day I wake up this summer, I smile! I remind myself that it's so much better then it was before. I continue to say "I'm healed" and believe it. It was a constant struggle to finish cancer treatments & now "heal" without replaying the horror of it all in my mind, each day. To heal emotionally, mentally & physically takes prayer, perseverance & patience. I did fight! I did pray! And I did win! Amen!

Last years was the hardest year of my life. Although it also held, one of my most favorite days, in my entire life! Marrying my best friend, Daniel. The sweet private ceremony was perfect, held at sunset on my parents property. This year we get to celebrate our 1st year anniversary & wedding vow renewal, in the Bay Area with Daniel's family (and some of mine). It will be in Berkeley,CA on 7.19.14 on a sunny Saturday...We are doing it BIG this time! A full celebration of life, survivorship, love & more! I'm truly excited to share this day with our family & friends. I never imagined walking down the isle in a wedding gown...smiling at my better half...feeling the excitement & love in the's going to be beautiful & amazing.

Continue to pray for my healing. For my family & for our medical bills that continue to pile high. I know God has a perfect plan for us & will take care of the rest. The most important is that I'm alive! Amen! That I beat this disease that is trying to take over the world. So many young, old, even babies are being diagnosed daily. I pray for each one, each family fighting for their love one, each child fighting for their life, each grandmother fighting to see another day, and for all the medical staff & cancer researchers to continue improving medications & treatments. For all the dedicated surgeons, oncologists, nurses & more helping to save lives. I pray for them all. I'm very grateful for my life. I celebrate each day (the little victories as Daniel would say.) 

I'm still on long-term disability. I did get a few job offers, but had to decline, as my body isn't ready to return to work yet. I will know when I'm able...but it was flattering being offered a great position from a respected company. Well that's a wrap for now! I will make sure to fill in the blanks soon & upload wedding pictures come July! 

Hope you're all doing well & I miss you all very much!!

